Choosing the Right Neighbourhood

Your Neighbourhood

If you’re looking at buying a new house, chances are you’re looking at the property as well. And if you’re looking at the property, you are probably concerned with the neighbourhood surrounding that property. Because, if it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a neighbourhood to make a good home.

Where to build or buy is as important as who you’re getting to build for you, which is why we at Van Arbor make sure we work with only the best developers so when you get our homes, you know they’ll be in neighbourhoods that will be a joy to live in.

We are currently working with developers in six communities around Lethbridge because we know these places will give you the highest living quality. Over the next few months, we’ll highlight the communities we’re working in to try to help you decide where your next house should be. But for now, here’s a list of things you should keep your eyes on when choosing a community.

Proximity to Things You Love and Cherish

Whether it’s work or family, being close to the things that are most important in your life is high on most people’s priority list. Now, this is something we can’t tell you about the neighbourhoods we build in, because we don’t know where your priorities lie.

Whether our neighbourhoods are a perfect choice or not, often relies on what you value. But, if none of the communities we build in is quite where you want it to be, rest assured we’re not tied to these areas. Wherever your heart is we can build our homes.

After all, no one complained about not having spent enough time commuting.


Lethbridge has a host of amenities that make this city a great place to live. When we’re looking at which communities to build in, we keep a close eye on the surrounding area making sure we’re not condemning our customers to a future of never-ending commuting. We make sure the communities we build in are close to amenities that draw people in, whether that’s walking trails or proximity to shopping.


The character of each neighbourhood can be a hard thing to really capture, and we recommend visiting a neighbourhood before settling down there. Some neighbourhoods stretch out to the coulees, with backyard access to hikes and running trails galore, while some hug more urban landscapes, putting an emphasis on easy access to city amenities. Both make great homes for certain types of people while others may feel like it’s not quite a right fit for them. So, while we can vouch for the quality of each and every one of the neighbourhoods we build in, we know personal experience and tastes can affect how you feel once you get in.

Come back next week for a spotlight on Garry Station at Cabot Landing.

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